Hi There,
I'm Aditya
i am
About Me
Oct 2023-Jan 2023
Excel in Laravel PHP, Livewire, Filament PHP, Annotorious JS, and Tailwind CSS in addition of git (github desktop). My experience includes crafting scalable web applications(backend), creating dynamic interfaces, developing intuitive admin panels, and integrating features for image annotation. Worked on projects like Promolink and Proofing [https://www.binated.com/"]
May 2023-June 2023
Developed three major web projects during the internship, showcasing proficiency in web development technologies and frameworks. Collaborated with Git to design and implement user-friendly interfaces and responsive layouts for web applications. Utilized HTML, CSS, JSP, JavaScript, JQuery React JS framework, and MYSQL to create dynamic and visually appealing web pages..
Apr 2023-May 2023
Developed and implemented multiple data science models during the internship, contributing to the company's data-driven decision-making process. Completed three major data analytics projects, utilizing a combination of data exploration, visualization, and statistical analysis to derive valuable insights. Collaborated with the team to gather requirements, analyze data, and interpret results, demonstrating strong teamwork and communication skills.
December 2022
Currently I am Student Head of MMIT Technical Clubs [ TECH YUVA ]
Me and my friend @Suyash Kusumkar took initiative to start technical club in our college(MMIT). Our Club Focus on building Technical Skills of Students and our vision is to create Entrepreneurs.
August 2022
In this my team 'Tech Yuva' was Runner-up. I got support from my whole team and special thanks to our mentor Prof.Chaitanya Bhosale for guidance. In this hackathon, I tried to expand my networks.